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Executive Director's Welcome


Welcome to Legacy of Excellence Academy (LEA)! We are a school seeking to revolutionize how education has traditionally been done via our hybrid instructional delivery model and inquiry-based, pedagogical approach. At LEA, our students are offered a world-class education that includes the development of their identities through the life and teachings of Christ Jesus, along with various other Biblical narratives; it is of critical importance to us that our students are supported in becoming centered, as they navigate the ups and downs of life. Beyond being prepared for higher education, for citizenry, and for entry into the labor force, LEA graduates leave equipped with the tools they need to become outstanding moral and social ambassadors wherever they go. This is accomplished, in part, by the intentional weaving of our five core values - Resilience, Optimism, Accountability, Respect, Service - into the fabric of our day-to-day school operations.


Utilizing an innovative, culturally-responsive program, we are deeply-committed to developing our students’ reading, writing, logical reasoning, and socio-emotional skills. We also take pride in deepening the worldview of our students, as well as helping them to develop positive, life-long attitudes towards learning, relationships, and about themselves. To learn more, please feel free to peruse our course catalogue in the ‘Academics’ menu above. 


Regardless of how robust our overall program is, it would not be successful without student ownership of the learning or without our close partnership(s) with you - parents, guardians, and other community members. Just as the African proverb says, "If you want to go quickly, go alone...but if you want to go far, go together." Together, we can make our school go far and have a lasting, generational impact on millions of lives. Again, I heartily welcome you to LEA and encourage you to join the conversation. Go, Lions!


In service,




Chukwuma "Chuks" Ekwelum, Ph.D.

Executive Director



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